Executive Biographies

Dr Jane Kohlhoff, Vice President

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Dr Kohlhoff is a Clinical Psychologist, Senior Lecturer in the UNSW School of Psychiatry and ARC DECRA Fellow. She has research interests in perinatal, infant and early childhood mental health. Her work focuses on the development, evaluation and implementation of early interventions for children and families, and investigation of the roles of attachment, early environmental and biological factors in the intergenerational transmission of parenting and psychological outcomes for children. Jane has worked with her international colleagues to develop and evaluate a new attachment-based parenting program for young children (12-24 months) presenting with disruptive behaviours called 'Parent-Child Interaction Therapy-Toddler' and is currently running a large Randomised Controlled Trial to evaluate its efficacy. Additional work includes a pilot study evaluating a web-based app to facilitate developmental surveillance for young children attending GP clinics and a NSW Health funded pilot of 'Parent-Child Interaction Therapy' delivered via the internet to families with young children living in rural and remote NSW.

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Dr Anna Huber, Vice President/Vice chair

Dr Anna Huber is a psychologist with long experience in educational, developmental, community and private practice contexts. After leading the development of an infant and early childhood mental health service in a community agency from 2005-2012, Anna now works in a relationally focused private practice with families of infants and young children. She also provides supervision and consultation to practitioners and managers working in community based child and family programs in Australia and New Zealand. As a pioneer user of Circle of Security in Australia, Anna has been accredited as COS-Intensive provider since 2007, a COS-P provider since 2010, a COS supervisor since 2008, a trainer of COS supervisors since 2015 and a COS-P trainer since 2016. Anna completed her PhD in 2016 researching the effectiveness of the Circle of Security Intensive Intervention with young children and their families. She continues to be actively involved in real world research and evaluation efforts to build better evidence from practice, working with Macquarie University Centre for Emotional Health. Anna is also on the board of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, representing practitioners & researchers around the world working with infants and their families.

Dr. Erinn Hawkins, Secretary

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Dr. Erinn Hawkins is a clinical psychologist with fifteen years experience helping children, youth, families and adults cope with difficult emotions, explosive behaviour, relationship problems and traumatic events. She works in private practice and as the senior psychologist on the Yapatjarrathati Project with the School of Applied Psychology at Griffith University. She is involved in a number of research projects focused on translating the science of child development into everyday clinical practice. Her research projects include examining whether attachment-based therapies work, why they work, and for whom they work best; developing clinically useful assessment tools for measuring attachment security in young children; evaluating the benefits of psychological assessment; and integrating neurodevelopmental assessments into primary health care.

Dr Anne-Marie Maxwell, Treasurer

Anne-Marie Maxwell is a researcher with more than twenty years’ experience working with children and families in diverse contexts. She currently works as Research Manager for Tresillian Family Care Centres. Anne-Marie completed her PhD at Macquarie University in 2021, undertaking a multi-site evaluation of the 8-week Circle of Security Parenting program (COS-P) and a parallel qualitative study of parent and practitioner perspectives on the program. She is a registered COS-P provider. Previously, Anne-Marie worked with Save the Children Australia as Team Leader of Ryde Community Hub, after returning to Australia following 15 years living overseas, including 13 years in South Africa where she was Director of an inner-city preschool and worked in curriculum development and teacher training. Anne-Marie’s research work is enriched by her background in early childhood education and her passion for nurturing parent-child relationships.

Dr Rebecca Reay, Communications and Technology coordinator

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Rebecca Reay is a lecturer and senior research coordinator at the Academic Unit of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Australian National University in Canberra. She conducts research into mental health problems, including trauma and post-traumatic stress, in children, adolescents and adults, with a particular focus on the perinatal period. Her research interests include the prevention and treatment of problems in parents using individual therapy, couple therapy, mother-infant attachment work and group therapy. She has a strong interest in the implementation and evaluation of attachment based interventions in ‘real world’ clinical settings. Rebecca is currently involved a multi-site controlled trial of the Circle of Security Parenting group program run by researchers at Macquarie University. She also works in private practice and is a registered COS-P provider.