Past HAANZ Events


Webinar: Attachment-Based Interventions- a tasting plate

During this 90 minute webinar you will hear from four parenting experts about four different attachment-based interventions. Prof Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg will present on Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP). A/Prof Kohlhoff will present on Parent-Child Interaction Therapy - Toddler (PCIT-T), Dr Anne-Marie Maxwell will present on Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P) and A/Prof Bo-Ram Kim (Delaware University, USA) will present on Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC).

The webinar and PowerPoint slides area available in the members area


Webinar: The Core Sensitivities

Presenter: Bert Powell, Circle of Security International.

During this 90-minute HAANZ Inc webinar you will hear from Bert Powell, one of the three original Co-Founders of Circle of Security International. The core sensitivities are procedural internal working models shaped in childhood development and based on strategies to manage vulnerabilities common to many people. The strategies are protective (defensive) and developed to organize painful and often unregulated affect.

The webinar and PowerPoint slides area available in the members area

Supervision within an attachment framework

Details: During this 90 minute webinar you will hear from our highly experienced supervisors. This webinar is suitable for supervisors and supervisees.


Evaluating outcomes with the Composite Caregiving Questionnaire (CCQ)

During this 90 minute webinar you will hear from three parenting experts on a new, self report composite measure of parenting capacities. The webinar and PowerPoint slides area available in the members area here

“A compelling idea: Attachment


an interview with Emeritus Professor Alan Sroufe

Overview of session
Beginning in the late 1970s with colleagues at the University of Minnesota Institute of Child Development, Professor Sroufe conducted ground-breaking longitudinal research into attachment and its influence on development.

In this interview with HAANZ Inc committee member Dr Bryanne Barnett AM, Bryanne talks to Prof Sroufe about his research and the role attachment appears to play in development. Dr Dr Anna Huber (host) and three panellists: Prof Catherine McMahon, Prof Bryanne Barnett & Jane Kohlhoff discuss the interview

The webinar and PowerPoint slides area available in the members area


Hands on the Circle’ Webinar

With Dr Neil Boris from Circle of Security International

Overview of session
In this 90 minute webinar, Neil provides a brief update on recent developments within Circle of Security International and focuses on the concept of hands. The key objectives of the webinar are to: 1) deepen our understanding of what the hands metaphor is designed to convey and 2) discuss its implications for our work with COS interventions.

The session is moderated by Dr Anna Huber and includes two question and answer sessions with participants.

The webinar and PowerPoint slides area available in the members area

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Outcomes from Circle of Security (brief and intensive) interventions

Presenters: Dr Anna Huber & Dr Erinn Hawkins

What outcomes can COS-I and COS-P change and for whom?

What evidence is there that COS-I and COS-P may work differently?

Slides available in the members area

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Attachment Based Interventions in Community Settings

Addressing Real World Challenges and The Need for Evidence Based Practice and Research

Presented by Associate Professor Lisa Berlin, University of Maryland, USA.

Slides available in the members area

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Understand the challenges of evaluating COS-P & the development of the Composite Caregiving Questionnaire (CCQ)

Presented by Associate Professor Catherine McMahon & Anne-Marie Maxwell,

Centre for Emotional Health & Department of Psychology Macquarie University, Sydney,

Slides available in the members area

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Parental autonomy support and child exploration: Attachment, executive functioning, and brain connectivity

Presented by Professor Annie Bernier

Department of Psychology University of Montreal Canada

Slides available in the members area